CURRENT SERIES: Acts - The Church that Multiplies

The book of Acts is the continued account of how the gospel of Jesus went on to change the world. The impact of His life, death, and resurrection moved beyond the twelve disciples. The impact was multiplied as the gospel was passed from person to person and community to community. The gospel was now changing lives and the world around them. Are we a church that still multiplies the impact of the gospel truth?

Access the group discussion guide here

1 - Acts: The Church That Multiplies
Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor

4 - Acts: Share the Gospel
Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor

7 - Will Fear End the Story?
Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor


2 - Acts: The Mission Continues
Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor

5 - Acts: Follow Me
Mitch Corea, Student Ministries Pastor

8 - Go Make Disciples
Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor


3 - Acts: Come and See
Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor

6 - Acts: Living Boldly
Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor


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Finding the Gift


October 9 2022