

We value students! Our belief is that God loves us and created each of us with an identity and a purpose. We walk with students teaching them to live like Christ and to lead others to do the same. Students connect, grow in God's love, and discover the purpose He created them for. We create intentional environments for our Middle School and High School students to engage in disciple-making relationships and hear the truth found in God's word.

Both groups meet on Wednesday nights at 6:30 pm beginning January 3rd, 2024.


MSM Wednesday Nights @ 6:30

Middle School is a formative period that shapes our future through struggles, pressure, and change. We walk intentionally with middle school students in this important part of their lives and teach them about the love of God, just as Jesus did with His disciples. It is our desire to love these students and provide a safe place for them to have fun, be challenged, and become deeply rooted in Christ and the love of their Heavenly Father. We want them to graduate 8th grade ready to stand firm in their faith and knowledge of God in the culture of High School.


HSM Wednesday Nights @6:30

We seek God first and learn to trust Him with the rest of life. Our goal is to be a group of students and leaders that are willing and equipped to live life with each other and lead each other deeper into God's love and purpose, just as Jesus did with His disciples. Community, fun, and discovering what it looks like to live like Jesus are all a part of high school ministry!

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
— Matthew 6:33

Special Events


Student Calendar

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Disciple-Making Toolbox

We’ve curated some excellent resources you can use as you walk in one-on-one disciple-making relationships with others.
Here are our top recommendations for students.