What is L3?
We believe that real people can be changed by a real relationship with a real God. Our goal as individuals and as a larger faith community is to respond to God's amazing love. Simply put, everything we do is about learning to Love God, Love People, and Live Generously. This focus reflects the heart and mission of Jesus Christ, and we want to be just like Him!
Value #1 Love God
You were made to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. When we understand that God first loved us, we begin to be transformed by His love and can't help but share that love with others. We have a God worth loving and giving our lives to.
Jesus demonstrated how to Love God were through his love and trust in the Word of God, and by prioritizing time in prayer with his Father. Jesus studied, trusted, submitted to, and used God’s Word every day. Jesus constantly exalted and glorified the Father in all he did, which is why he is our role model for how to love God.
Reference verses Matt. 22:36-37, Romans 5:8, 1 John 4:19
Value #2 Love People
We believe life is better when lived together. Jesus said that the second greatest command is to love each other. He said this because it's a reflection of God's love for us and His nature, and it is also for our good. We are not meant to be alone in life. We all need each other, we all need to love and be loved. Jesus then tells us that when we love each other, the world will see God at work in us and be drawn to Him.
Three ways we can Love People are to serve like Jesus, love one another like Jesus, and love our neighbors like Jesus. Jesus’ life is full of examples of this active kind of love. He went out of his way to serve and care for those around him.
Reference verses Mark 10:49, Matt. 22:39, John 15:12
Value #3 Live Generously
Love for God leads to love for people and for the Great Commission. We call this Living Generously. This means we give our lives to making disciples; teaching others to follow Jesus, and orient everything in their life around Him, so they, in turn, also make disciples. We aim to proclaim the gospel here, near, and far, and to put others above ourselves.
Just like Jesus, we are sent into the world to proclaim the Good News that salvation is possible through His Son. Jesus also set the example to invest in a few faithful, teachable, and responsible individuals. Disciples who continue his mission by raising up generation after generation of disciple-makers.
Reference verses Matt. 28:18-20, Acts 1:8, Phil.2:1-5, John 15:13
Visit the L3 Merch Shop! L3 merch isn’t about advertising Cascade Church or about making a profit; in fact, you won't find the church's name on any of the products, and all items are sold at cost.
That's because we believe the purpose of L3 messaging is to remind us to live out our driving values to Love God, Love People, and Live Generously, just like Jesus did, and also to help kickstart conversations in our community about what it means to live by those values.
So, find something you like and start a conversation!