Acts Series Discussion Questions
1. Jesus’ final words defined a mission the disciples would commit to for the rest of their lives. Take a moment and put words to what it must have been like to hear the mission, loose a leader, and face the reality before you!
2. In Acts 1:8 Jesus calls the disciples to be His witness. Go back and read Luke 24:44-49 and unpack what they are witnesses of.
3. How did Jesus define and demonstrate the message of repentance throughout His ministry?
4. Why is the message of forgiveness so central to being His witness?
5. It’s easy to see why one would need “power” to accomplish this mission. How does life in the Spirit play into being a witness for Jesus.
6. This was an impossible mission for 12 men to carry out. Jesus knew that. And that is why disciple making is so important to the story of Acts. 12 men in the city of Jerusalem, overlooking Judea, neighboring the hostile Samaritans, and being overshadowed by the ends of the world. A Few people knew the truth and millions were dying without the truth. How do you find yourself in this same reality. What do you do with Who you know?
October 23, 2022
The Mission Continues
October 30, 2022
Come and See
1. We see the obvious. The Spirit used the gift of tongues to speak directly to people in their language so they could understand. But this entire event was used to "speak their language". What were the commonalities and fulfillments that would have caught everyone's attention?
2. Why is it important to understand the context of the Old Testament in application to the New Testament? What happens when we only see the New Testament?
3. In verses 5-13 we see a grand demonstration of power in the miracle used by the Holy Spirit. Did Jesus use miracles to get peoples attention to open up conversations? Did He only use miracles? As we look forward in Acts do the Disciples and Paul ONLY use miracles to get people's attention?
4. At Cascade we believe the Holy Spirit still moves in power and we believe He still actively uses miracles. But we follow the example of scripture and we don't worship the miracles themselves. Why is this both Biblical and important?
5. In verses 14-37 Peter was ready to follow this COME AND SEE opportunity with a COME AND SEE conversation. At this point Peter stepped in to be a witness of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. This also fulfilled what Jesus said would continue to happen in Matthew 10:19-20. Peter had prayed for a week and was looking for an opportunity. In the moment he was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke more intellectually and directly than a man from Galilee could. What did Peter use to speak directly to the people about who Jesus was?
6. A COME AND SEE opportunity needs a COME AND SEE conversation. Are you ready to see and respond to what the Holy Spirit is doing around you. In your personal life is the Spirit using miracles, conversations, acts of kindness, or everyday situations to give you an opportunity?
7. How does this change the way you engage at Church? It is our heart that our Worship Services, Classes, Men's and Women's groups, Young Adult groups, Youth groups, and children's events ALL have COME AND SEE opportunities. We have new people coming all the time. The Spirit is drawing people into these areas! Are you coming ready and looking for a COME AND SEE conversation? How does that change your level of engagement?
November 13, 2022
Acts: Follow Me
What has your journey of learning to follow Jesus looked like?
How can you help new believers learn to follow Jesus?
What are some of the main things that a new believer needs to learn about how to follow Jesus?
The Apostle Paul told believers to "Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ". Do you have people that look up to you and your faith in this way?
November 20, 2022
Acts: Living Boldly
1. How did Peter flip the religious system of righteousness by healing the lame beggar?
2. How did Peter again demonstrate a Come and See Opportunity and a Come and See Conversation?
3. How was Holy Spirit Boldness demonstrated in Acts 4:13? Was this the first bold step in the chapter?
4. The Church prayed to receive a bold empowerment of the Holy Spirit in verses 24-30
5. How did this boldness play out in verses 31-36?
6. How did this mirror the disciples experience with Jesus in Mark 1:16 and Jesus’ ministry in their home town?
7. Jesus third call to the disciples was to “follow me and I will make you fishers of men”. How was this a deeper step than just “following Jesus” in John 1:43?
8. We often hide behind a religious system of tithing 10% and barely being involved at Church. How is this turned upside down by Jesus’ call for us to live boldly and become Fishers of Men?
9. What could your next needed step of boldness look like and how will that deepen you faith, trust, Christlikeness, and engagement in the mission?
November 27, 2022
Acts: Will Fear End the Story?
1. Compare Joseph’s giving in Chapter 4 to that of Ananias in Chapter 5.
2. How did both respond to the Gospel call of Trusting, Following, and Engaging?
3. What “fears” do you relate to that are highlighted in Chapter 5?
4. How does this chapter in acts compare to Luke 18 with the Rich Young Ruler and the Disciples? What were the Disciples passing on to the Church in Acts 5?
5. Why was it important for the early church to learn to handle fear and to be disciples through it?
6. How could fear have ended the Gospel Story? How does History show the Church’s response to fear in its first 300 years?
7. Is fear stopping you from Trusting, Following, and Engaging? How do we move forward with the mission as a church?
December 4, 2022
Acts: Go Make Disciples
1. What is the parallel between the passage of time in Acts 6:1 and the time Jesus spent with His Disciples?
2. Why is it significant to recognize the term "disciple" being used for the Church?
3. How do we see spiritual maturity represented in moving through the 4 chairs and Jesus' challenges?
4. What percentage of the church do you feel are seen in each chair? What does that call us to?
5. Have you ever "made a disciple"?
6. With resources now available to you, what would hold you back?