Real Rest Discussion Questions
July 10, 2022 - STOP for Real Rest
Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor
1. What did you think a Sabbath was and do you think you have really ever kept one?
2. Does it surprise you to see the concept of Sabbath pop up throughout scripture? What reference stood out the most?
3. What is the difference between God commanding us to take a Sabbath and God blessing the Sabbath?
4. Why do you think God and Jesus practiced the Sabbath?
5. After hearing todays message do you think it is emotionally, physically, or spiritually healthy to ignore the Sabbath?
6. Humanity seems to be on a trajectory of depletion. When it comes to business and addictions to phones and modern miracles, where do you find yourself on this trajectory?
7. What are some ways you can plan to STOP for a day to make room for God to give you rest in Him?
July 17, 2022 - Remember
Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor
1. Just as there is life changing power found in stopping; science is finding there is power to memory and neuroplasticity. How does this correspond to the verses Michael walked us through in the beginning of the message? (Joshua 1:8-9, Proverbs 4:20-22, 2 Cor 10:3-5, Matthe 11:25-30)
2. Baruch Atah Adonai Eluhanu Melek Ha’alom. Blessed are you Lord, God King of the Universe. You are all powerful, all knowing and wise, and good. How does this prayer center us on God, the framework of the Bible, and our remembrance of Him?
3. The meal used physical reminders as “speed bumps” to help bring up stories, memories, and conversations around God’s goodness and Jesus’ fullfilments. How would this deep, reflective, weekly reminder impact a persons life? Take a moment and talk through the elements and the impact this repetitious reminder would have!
4. Are you feasting on memories and setting up similar speed bumps on your Sabbath? How can you build a similar experience to have a weekly Sabbath day to stop and remember in deep ways like this?
July 24, 2022 - Finding Real Rest
Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor
1. What does it mean to Worship God? How do you worship through prayer, Bible reading, memorizing, and other disciplines?
2. Have you ever thought about worship being a gateway to rest? How does this work in our lives?
3. How does this move us from strength to strength or… from a Sabbath day to a life of Sabbath?
4. What can we learn from Jesus’ use of scripture in the wilderness?
5. How do you build a Sabbath day to Stop, Remember, and Rest in Worship?
July 31, 2022 - Prayer, Part of Entering God’s Rest
Dan Bushy, Associate Pastor & Missionary
Prayer gives activates what?
What produces obedience?
Obedience enables us to enter what?
Why do we need to make every effort to enter God's rest?
August 7, 2022 - Finding Rest in Solitude & Fasting
Stu Hezlep, Assistant Pastor & Missionary
If you were to fast from food for a 24 hr period or for a weekend what would your real expectations be of your experience?
Since solitude and fasting are not commanded in the New Testament, why then do some of the New Testament authors participate in this these disciplines?
Is the purpose of participating in these disciplines to make you more noticeable or more righteous in the eyes of God?
Are you aware of some external or internal distractions within your life?
What should be the heart of these disciplines?
August 14, 2022 - Worship: Stop, Remember, Respond & Rest
John Reynolds, Family Ministries Pastor
What resonated with you from the service today?
Read Psalm 145 together aloud. What do you notice about David’s attitude in this passage?
Ask each other what it looks like for you to Stop and Focus on God’s Character.
Take a minute to share some of the character traits of God that are significant to you.
When you remember God’s grace in your life what does that make you want to do?
How can you worship God with others and alone?
What does it mean to rest in the worship of God?
August 21, 2022 - Rest in the Lion’s Shadow
Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor
1. Many of the scriptures used on Sabbath revolve around the creation narrative and God’s mighty works through Genesis and the Exodus. How is God’s power, justice, and grace demonstrated in these areas?
2. How is His power and justice something that should illicit a healthy amount of fear in our life? Is there any part of you that “fears” God?
3. How does CS Lewis portray this allegorically with Jill in “The Silver Chair”?
4. How does our respect of His Power and Justice lead us to a deeper understanding of Grace and the overall character of God?
5. The Sabbath Scriptures also lead us to appreciate the depths of God’s wisdom. What is God’s perspective towards all of man’s “ologies” and how should that affect our standing before God and His wisdom?
6. When we have a healthy fear of God and an appropriate understanding of His wisdom we can find rest in Him. If He is all powerful, all wise, and good then what does that mean for our relationship with Him.
7. Psalm 46:10 and Proverbs 3:5-6 capture this. Be still know Him and worship Him. Trust Him and lean on His wisdom and He will lead you in this world! The deeper our theology becomes should also deepen our experience of rest. How should this change your engagement with the Word of God?
August 28, 2022 - Resting in His Blessings
Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor
1. Blessings were a predominant part of Jewish culture. How did this help shape peoples identities? What is missing in our lives when we live without blessings?
2. How often do you speak God empowered blessings over your spouse and children? How impactful would this cumulative practice affect you identities and relationships with each other?
3. The priestly blessing describes the means by which God chooses to “make” His people. How do you see this in Jesus’ words to Peter? How is this captured in Paul’s life and writings?
4. Modern science acknowledges the power positive words have in our lives and relationships. This is part of God’s design and desire for our Sabbath day. Positive words are powerful but when they are empowered by the Spirit of God they can be life changing. How should we incorporate the blessing found in His word with our Sabbath day routines?
September 4, 2022 - Stepping out of Rest into Work!
Joel Madson, Missions Pastor & Elder
What has been your highlight from the Rest series?
Read Hebrews 12:1-3. What in your life needs to be set aside in order for you to be more focused on God's call in your life?
Share your salvation stories with each other.
What traditions would be helpful for you to maximize your sabbath rest?
Spend time as a group discussing how you can better prepare to be Salt and light in the world.