Perspective Discussion Questions
January 1, 2023
Building a Biblical Worldview
1. Why do you think Peter and so many people found Paul's writings a little confusing at times?
2. How well did Paul understand the Old Testament and how did that shape his life?
3. How did the life of Jesus shape these principles and Old Testament applications to Paul's life?
4. How would you define an "abundant life"? How do Jesus and Paul define an abundant life?
5. How should we apply the gospel to every issue, action, and perspective in our life?
January 15, 2023
Peace for the Broken
1. How has our pursuit of freedom and liberation created confusion and anxiety?
2. What is the difference between what culture says about masculinity and femininity versus what the Bible says? Do you impose cultural values on top of Biblical ones?
3. How do Paul's words in Ephesians fit with the Biblical narrative?
4. What does Paul call men to use their strength and leadership for?
5. What does it look like for a Woman to be valued and honored in a way that sets her free to create culture and life?
January 22, 2023 Intimacy You Were Made for
1. Read 1 Corinthians 6:12-20. What part did the church or your parents play in teaching you about God's good design for sex? How did the world teach you about sex?
2. What was surprising about the research shared at the beginning of the message?
3. Totality: how is god's design for sex more than just a physical act?
4. Permanence: How does holding fast to each other create a sense of permanence? What does that do for our hearts?
5. Sexual fidelity: What are the societal and interpersonal benefits to this? In what ways do we find abundant life in sexual fidelity?
6. Children: God's design allows us to pass our lives on, create life, and partner in continued co-creation. How does this reflect God and sanctify us?
January 29, 2023 The Gospel that Always Works
1. How does the context of 2 Corinthians 5:5-21 reinforce what Paul says in 2 Corinthians 6?
2. For you, what are some of the philosophies, empty deceit, human traditions and elementary spirits/principles not mentioned that are calling you back to captivity?
3. How does Romans chapter 7 help understand the struggle between being victorious and still having to fight?
4. What is our view those who are in captivity of sin? Are they enemies or people who need rescuing?
February 5th, 2023
How to Enjoy Reading Your Bible
What is your biggest struggle when it comes to reading the Bible?
In what ways have your tried to study the Bible in the past?
What was something Keith shared you had never thought of before Sunday?
What is the one step you're going to take this week?