To Whom It May Concern Discussion Questions


April 30, 2023
To Whom it May Concern - Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor

1. What thoughts crossed your mind when you saw the African Bible in the Pastor’s hands? What does your Bible look like compared to it? Do you value your Bible like this gentlemen does?

2. Would you run 100 miles in 24 hours to get the Bible into someone’s hands? What would you do?

3. What helped Paul have the skills to translate the Old Testament Scriptures into the lives of Jews, Greeks, and Christians?

4. How does this help us understand its translation into our lives?

5. As you think of the vast communities represented through Paul’s journeys what differences and similarities do you find? Have you ever thought about these as you have looked at one of these Bible maps?

6. How do we relate to these ancient communities?

7. Running 100 miles is nothing compared to Paul’s 10,000 mile journey! What stood out as you heard the reality of what Paul did and put it into the context of 2 Corinthians 10:23-28?

8. How should knowing this desperation and passion raise the value of the Word you have in your hand? What did it take to get these letters into your hands 2,000 years later?

9. Why do you need these letters for your heart and how does this shape what you do with the letters of Paul?

May 7, 2023
Turning From Idols - Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor

1. It doesn’t take much to go viral in today’s technological world. What would it take for the fame of this Church to spread all over the world and arrive at places before Paul? How impressive is that?

2. Their fame was rooted in their willingness to turn from idols and commit to one God. This sounds rudimentary to us. Why was this groundbreaking for its time and how hard must it have been to trust only one God for all of your life’s needs?

3. Why would the Roman world have protected its ideals by persecuting Jesus followers?

4. What proof was found in a Church expressing joy amidst affliction? What would this say about the Church’s relationship with their God versus the worlds with its idols?

5. How did hope in Jesus’ return encourage the Church to hold fast to their new lives in Christ?

6. How can this letter inspire you to trust in Christ alone, find joy in your affliction, and hold to hope in this life?

May 21, 2023
The Fundamentals - Mitch Corea, Student Ministries Pastor

  1. Do you feel confident that you can explain the fundamentals of the Gospel?

  2. Why is it important to understand our sin (or unrighteousness) and the consequences of it?

  3. How does one receive salvation?

  4. In what way does salvation change our relationship to God?

  5. Have you believed and confessed that Jesus is Lord and received His free gift of righteousness and salvation?

  6. Has your belief in Jesus changed who you are and how you live? How and why?

May 28, 2023
A Faith that Leads to Life - John Reynolds, Family Ministries Pastor

  1. What resonated with you from the message today?

  2. Where do you see your story in Paul’s story of Salvation?

  3. What areas are you tempted to earn your salvation? How can you change this pattern in your life?

  4. How can you rest in your faith alone in Christ and not in yourself?

  5. What is one area where you know you need to grow in the fruits of the Spirit?

  6. How does faith lead to good works, where have you seen this in your life?

June 4, 2023
The Proton of Jesus - Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor

  1. Talk about the image of Jesus being the actual PROTONS in your body. Read verse 18 to frame the entire book of Colossians.

  2. Read Colossians 1:12-21. Who is Jesus? What is His “magnitude”? And why does that make you thankful?

  3. Read Colossians 1:21-22. What does it mean for Jesus to “reconcile” the state of who you were? Why does this make you thankful?

  4. “If indeed you continue in the faith”. This statement is almost comical after what we just read! How should our thanksgiving turn to thanksliving?

  5. How does Paul proceed to connect the “Proton” of Jesus changing every area of life? Talk through the impact on Philosophy, Works, Angels, Spiritual Growth, and Family Structure.

  6. How does Philemon’s relationship with Onesimus become a prime example of the Proton of Jesus?

  7. How grateful are you for who and what Jesus is in your life? Have you made him proton in all things? How is your thanksgiving translating into thanksliving?

June 25, 2023
God’s Call to Sound Doctrine and the Hidden Strategy - Dan Bushy, Associate Pastor & Missionary

  1. How does the bible describe Paul's relationship to Titus?

  2. What was the task Titus was appointed to do?

  3. How did Titus do his training, equipping and releasing people into God's harvest fields?

July 2, 2023
When is the Gospel? - Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor

  1. The Corinthians were impressive people. Michael related the Corinthian Christians to Anoles, Christians that blend in with the world around them. How was this seen in their lives? How may this be true about many in the church (including ourselves)?

  2. Paul addressed all of the issues within the Church by applying a Gospel filter. This filter first puts Jesus at the center of every issue. How is Jesus the central figure in each of these issues?

  3. This Gospel filter next places each individual as secondary. After we learn to love Jesus our next response should be to love others and to put their needs above our own. How do you see this happen in each issue?

  4. The Gospel filter then calls us to realize that in everything we exist to be on mission for the Gospel. What does it look like to find this purpose in all of our lives?

  5. If Paul was writing to you what “bubbles” would he be addressing? How do you view this issue through the filter of the Gospel?