Romans Part One - Chapters one through four, is a call to be ALL IN for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This passionate letter invites us into a deeper understanding of God’s undeserved grace given to desperate people. In this first section, Paul does a masterful job of walking us to this amazing grace through the lens of our deep brokenness. You can’t get to the good news of the Gospel without first seeing the bad news of our hopeless state. The more we understand how All In sin we are, the more vibrantly we will respond to being All In His Grace. Are you All In?
Romans Part Two - Over the next five chapters Paul begins to walk us through the process of growing in our faith. We often think of all the effort and work that it takes to grow. This growth is often met with frustration and confusion as we work to become “better people”. But what if God designed us to grow as a response to what He has done instead of what we try to do? Join us as Paul walks us through the amazing things Jesus has done to call our hearts to growth in Him.
Romans Part Three - Over the next three chapters Paul directs his attention to how God has used and worked through His family from the beginning of time. Understanding this would help answer a lot of big questions the Jews and Gentiles were asking at this time. It would also help them understand how God has been working toward the purpose of Jesus making a way to bless all nations and create a new family that follows Christ. As we walk through these chapters we hope to also find our place in the family of God.
Romans Part Four - In chapters twelve through sixteen of Romans, Paul answers the question, “Now what?” He lays out what it looks like to daily live as a member of God’s family. As we study through these chapters we will learn how the Gospel and our new status should be reflected in the practical ways we live out our salvation.
Part One - October and November 2023
1 - The Gospel Calls Us To Be All In
Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor
3 - Our Hearts are Broken
Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor
5 - Embracing God’s Righteousness
John Reynolds, Family Ministries Pastor
7 - Not - “Not my problem.”
Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor
2 - All In for the Gospel
Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor
4 - We make bad gods
Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor
6 - Failing Law School
Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor
8 - Trading Places
Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor
Part Two - February - March 2024
1 - Prolific Grace
Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor
3 - Dead to Sin, Alive to God
Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor
5 - New Life and the Law
Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor
7 - Our New Life in the Spirit
Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor
2 - The Missing Piece of Peace
Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor
4 - Identity Leads Activity
Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor
6 - The Subtle Shift That Matters
Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor
8 - Aiming Your Life at the Right Target
Nate Hettinga, Regional President of Converge NW
Part Three: April - May 2024
1 - Family Matters!
Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor
3 - Step Into Purpose
Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor
5 - Grafted In
Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor
2 - Plotline & Purpose
Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor
4 - Full House Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor
Part Four: May - June 2024
1 - Living Sacrifices
Zac Price, Student Ministries Pastor
3 - Transformative Gospel Living and Politics
Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor
5 - Sacrificial Unity Works
Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor
7 -Stop Attending Church and Start Being the Church
Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor
2 - Serving Reflects the Reality
Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor
4 - Humility, Unity, and the Gospel
Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor
6 - The Gospel Lived Out
Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor
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