One Another

Are you suffering from O.A.D? One Another Deprivation? Then this series is for you and everyone else that follows Jesus! We Need One Another! All through the scriptures, we are told to love one another in many different ways. Today we start the series by looking at the church's historical need for the "One Another's" and why we need them today!

1 - One Another
Pastor Michael Lodge

4 - Forgive One Another
Pastor John Reynolds

7 - Comfort One Another
Pastor Dan Bushy

2 - Love One Another
Pastor Michael Lodge

5 - Encourage One Another
Pastor Michael Lodge

8 - Connect with One Another
Pastor Michael Lodge

3 - Welcome One Another
Pastor Joel Madson

6 - Serve One Another
Pastor Mitch Corea


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September 20, 2020: Proverbs 3


July 12 & 19, 2020: Sermon on the Mount