Identity Series Discussion Questions
September 11, 2022 - Identity
Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor
1. Do you remember desperately trying to find your identity in your earlier years? What was that like and what played into your identity?
2. What are the major descriptors and contributors to your identity now?
3. What does it mean for Identity to shape your being and direct your actions?
4. Why is it so important to understand His Story and find the foundations for your identity?
5. How do you see this in King David finding himself in God's Story?
September 18, 20200 - Imago Dei
Michael Lodge, Speaking Pastor
1. Have you ever visited an art gallery? What was your experience like?
2. Talk through the order of creation and why God chooses to make humanity the pinnacle of creation.
3. How should God's value of humanity shape your identity and your value of image bearers around you?
4. How do you bear His image in your relationship to creation and your everyday work?
5. The language used in the Bible intentionally points to the design and heart God has for our connection to each other. What is God's desire for us to see in our ability to become 'one flesh' in the image of God's union within the trinity?
6. How does this foundation encourage, challenge, direct, and anchor you?