We’re a church family learning to Love God, Love People,
and Live Generously… like Jesus.
Sunday Service Times at 8, 9:30, and 11:15 am
Made on purpose for a purpose.
Jesus tells us that he has come that we might have not only life but an ABUNDANT LIFE. Everything that the world offers will never satisfy us. But Jesus knows what is best for us and has given us a mission and a PURPOSE TO LIVE FOR. It is when we follow him that we begin to experience life in abundance. JOIN US in this mission and give your life to that which counts for eternity!
Disciples who make disciples
We believe that every Christian is a disciple, and every disciple is called to be a disciple-maker.
There is a deep inner change that happens when one encounters the person of Jesus Christ. The more time we spend with Jesus, the more we become like Jesus. This is what the book of James is all about. James’ transformation from a mocker of Jesus into a believer who reflects the character and teaching of Jesus gives us an example of how a new identity should lead to new activity in our lives.
Join us on Sundays at 8, 9:30, or 11:15